The Index is a custom market capitalisation weighted index and is composed of the constituents of Russia’s Standard Index, the MSCI Russia Index which currently includes Russia only. Constituents whose weights are greater than 25% are capped daily to 22.5% and quarterly to 20%. The remaining constituents are weighted according to their free float-adjusted market capitalisation applicable to foreign investors as a percentage of the remaining non-capped weight. If no issuers have weights exceeding the daily limits or the QIR limits, then all issuers are weighted according to their free float-adjusted market capitalisation of the MSCI Russia Index (i.e. 85% +/- 5% of Russia’s investable equity universe).
Margin requirement: 10%
Trading Hours: Monday-Friday(10:00-18:30) Eastern European Time (EET). GMT is 2 hours behind EET.
Open Account to trading db x-trackers MSCI Russia Capped Index ETF
Top ten holdings:
Margin requirement: 10%
Trading Hours: Monday-Friday(10:00-18:30) Eastern European Time (EET). GMT is 2 hours behind EET.
Open Account to trading db x-trackers MSCI Russia Capped Index ETF
Top ten holdings:
- Gazprom (RUB) Russia 18.40
- LUKOIL Neftyanaya Komp. OJSC Russia 14.44
- Sberegat.Bank Rossiyskoy Fed. Russia 12.53
- Norilsk Nickel ORD RUB 1 Russia 6.74
- OJSC Oil Co Rosneft ORD RUB 0.01 Russia 5.79
- Mobile Telesystems ADR Russia 5.68
- Novatek GDR Russia 3.81
- Surgutneftegaz ORD RUB 1 Russia 3.79
- Tatneft imeni VD Shashina OAO ORD RUB 1 Russia 3.70
- RusGidro OAO Russia 3.16